fancy up
英 [ˈfænsi ʌp]
美 [ˈfænsi ʌp]
- put on special clothes to appear particularly appealing and attractive
- She never dresses up, even when she goes to the opera
- The young girls were all fancied up for the party
- Find one that strikes your fancy, and then try to find a way to freshen it up – to make it new.
找到一个最切合你心中所想的灵感,然后努力想到办法来更新它。 - The suit complained it had sold fancy mortgage securities without disclosing that a hedge-fund manager, John Paulson, was betting that those same securities would blow up.
诉讼称,高盛在出售那些卖相花哨的抵押证券时,没有披露对冲基金经理约翰保尔森(johnpaulson)正押注于这些证券将崩盘。 - Toward evening peddlers selling various fancy goods would fill up the street.
傍晚时分兜售各种花哨小工艺品的小贩常把街道阻塞。 - First note that Tuple is a fancy name for an ordered list-once I looked this up it helped!
首先请注意,Tuple是有序列表的雅名&我在知道这一点后帮助非常大! - I don't suppose you* Fancy meeting up sometime?
我不会想象见面那个时候? - I fancy she was wanted about the mince pies. For my part, Mr. Bingley, I always keep servants that can do their own work; my daughters are brought up differently.
彬格莱先生,我雇起佣人来,总得要她们能够料理份内的事,我的女儿就不是人家那样教养大的。 - I fancy I have in my eye the person who drew it up, one of the bitterest and most mischievous enemies this country has ever known.
我想我已经在我的眼睛上的人之一,将最淘气的苦涩,这个国家的敌人。 - Due to info must attract receivers 'attention before it is accepted, and fancy infos always excitated receivers' acceptance motivation, it is the best effective design to subjoin some redundance up with high entropic information.
传播要引起受众注意才有被接受的可能,而新奇的信息往往能够激活受众的接受动机,因此,熵值高的信息适当加上冗余信息应该是效果最佳的方案。 - "Fancy: The mental faculty through which whims, visions, and fantasies are summoned up; imagination, especially of a whimsical or fantastic nature."
“想象力:心智机能,能产生想法、幻想、想象;想象,尤指有异想天开或空想的特性的.” - Even if you aren't a celebrity, an image of you at a fancy event might still pop up on the Internet or in the style pages.